
You can install Traffic Refinery using either Docker or by compiling from source.

Using Docker

To simplify dependency management it is possible to use a docker container to develop or execute Traffic Refinery. There are two docker releases that can be used under different scenarios.

Pre-built release

We provide a precompiled container with Traffic Refinery.

Create image

docker image build --tag traffic-refinery:linux-amd64 .

Start traffic refinery

docker run --detach --mount source=/tmp,target=/tmp \
    --network=host --name tr --rm \

This runs the container in the background and the output of Traffic Refinery is stored inside the /tmp/ directory (see more about the mount command on Docker’s website).

To use a custom configuration, mount the desired file into the container and reference it using command line parameters:

Start traffic refinery with custom configuration file

docker run --detach --mount source=/tmp,target=/tmp \
    --network=host --name tr --rm \
    -mount type=bind,source=path/to/config/newconf.json,destination=/config/newconf.json,readonly
    traffic-refinery:linux-amd64 -conf /config/newconf.json

Development release

We have provided a release to develop and quickly test new features.

Create image

docker image build --tag traffic-refinery:devel -f ./Dockerfile.devel .

Run (from your local $GO_HOME/go/src/

docker run -it --entrypoint /bin/bash --rm --mount \
    type=bind,source=$(pwd),destination=/go/src/ \

Once run using this command, the terminal remains open inside the traffic-refinery directory inside your container. This directory is fully synchronized (see more about the mount command on Docker’s website) with your host directory. You can follow the instructions in the Compilation From Source section for compiling the code.

Compilation From Source

From source on your native host

In addition to Go, Traffic Refinery requires libpcap or PF_RING or af_packet installed in your system to correctly compile and run.

Once you have installed all the dependencies, you can proceed to install Traffic Refinery.

  • Clone the traffic refinery source code go get and change to the downloaded directory cd $GOHOME/src/
  • Download the necessary modules
    • go mod tidy
  • Run make.

Note: the default Makefile currently assumes libpcap is available on the host and does not compile with PF_RING or af_packet enabled. The relevant command for enabling additional packet capture libraries is the build command (e.g., go build -o tr -tags=ring,afpacket cmd/traffic-refinery/tr.go)